My Philosophy
I believe that learning English should be a rewarding and enriching experience. My goal is to create a supportive and engaging environment where you feel comfortable making mistakes and build confidence. I am a strong believer that there is no “one size fits all” in Education and that adaptability is key.
Furthermore, honesty is best policy. A good and very simple example of this would be my voice. Indeed, students often enjoy learning English with me because I have a very neutral English accent. It is nice… but it is a comfort zone I will constantly be encouraging you to take breaks away from by listening to other people with other voices and possibly from other ethnicities. This is very important because more people speak English with an accent than me. After all, you will need to be ready to engage with that beautifully spoken gentleman from India at a business meeting…
Another key point is the importance of self-study simply because of the way our memory works. We forget most of the information we take in on a daily basis – It could be something as trivial as the bus you noticed driving past your house – and science teaches us that “Learners lose their memory of learned knowledge in a matter of days or weeks unless the information is consciously reviewed. Some studies suggest that we forget about half of what we learn within an hour of learning it. That goes up to an average of 70% within 24 hours”. This is huge. Without asking that you spend hours learning, I would expect you to at least take the time to read the report I will send you at the end of each lesson every single day before the next class.
Last but not least – I have kept the best for the end – English for Students of Other Languages (ESOL) is a wonderful subject to teach because it is fun. We will play a lot and we will talk a lot. I want you to look forward to your lessons. If you do, you will progress.